Hagia Sophia Visiting Area
Hagia Sophia Mosque Tickets – Hagia Sophia Entry Tickets – Hagia Sophia Tickets.Hagia Sophia Visiting Area.Ayasofya
Hagia Sophia Mosque Tickets – Hagia Sophia Entry Tickets – Hagia Sophia Tickets.Hagia Sophia Visiting Area.Ayasofya
Aziz Murat Aslan Hacivat Karagoz Ottoman audience enjoys Karagöz shadow puppet performance Istanbul AZIZ MURAT ASLAN, TURKEY The figure of Karagöz immediately intrigued me when I first encountered him in European museums while pursuing my Engineering PhD in Germany. Karagöz…
Tahsin Hoca Craft İstanbul.Şile Bezi.Story of Şile Fabric. Product of Istanbul Narrator Tahsin IstengelLocation Craft İstanbul:Video Nurdogan SengulerInstagram, @nurdogansengule Şile Fabric is a rare textile product that has been woven, processed, and used in various applications from home textiles to clothing for over 150…
For a blend of history and modernity, the Hodjapasha Cultural Center is a fantastic choice. Situated in a 550-year-old former Ottoman bathhouse in the Sirkeci area, this venue offers a captivating atmosphere for the Whirling Dervish performances. The center hosts…
“一座城市,两个大洲,地处亚欧十字路口,穿越风光秀丽的海峡,在温柔的海风中聆听自然的歌唱” 你是童话里的君士坦丁堡,你是千年荣光里的拜占庭帝国,你是救赎东征十字军的希望 你是延续丝绸之路的终点 你是文明,你是对立,你是延续,你是传承 光辉与落幕, 重建与更替 在这里几度上演, 支离破碎, 前赴后继 如乘飞鸟,略过时间的风 博斯普鲁斯里肯定藏着深海的精灵,否则怎有那样的壮阔波澜神秘宁静,日落时分华灯初上,海岸线染得金黄。刚好而我只记得与你相遇的那个晚上。清真寺里满是虔诚做礼拜的信徒 镂空的十字架建筑依旁而建 多少宗教信仰汇聚于此相互碰撞才得以包容延续 圣索菲亚到底几层面纱,斑驳破碎的墙壁上展现出残缺又精美的马赛克人像,是曾被历史抹去又在漫长岁月变迁里被揭开的真相。 这座城市的距离,我用脚丈量,这座城市的温度,我闭眼感受 而这里就是伊斯坦布尔。 后记: 十年前的那个午后,坐在教室里痛苦背书,埋头做题焦虑又迷茫,百思不得其解的少年,仿佛在此刻,忽然才有了答案。 致每一个深爱伊斯坦布尔的人作者:来着中国的少年时间:24年10月14日 Instagram @jacklional
Whirling Dervish Ceremony Real Monastery Step into the heart of the Sufi tradition at a real monastery in Fatih, Istanbul. Witness the mesmerizing ritual of the Whirling Dervishes, a spiritual journey of devotion, unity, and divine love. Let the enchanting…
Tahsin Hoca Craft İstanbul.Şile Bezi.Story of Şile Fabric. Product of Istanbul Narrator Tahsin IstengelLocation Craft İstanbul:Video Nurdogan SengulerInstagram, @nurdogansengule Şile Fabric is a rare textile product that has been woven, processed, and used in various applications from home textiles to…
Istanbul Summer 2024 Photo Session.Ipc StreetFashion. Ipc Street Fashion-Istanbul Summer 2024www.ipcstreetfashion.com@ipcstreetfashionProducer: Nurdogan Senguler@nurdogansengule Concept: Анатолий Гузенко (Anatoly Guzenko)@anatolyphotographyConcept: Daria Dukhnivska@daradukhnivska Photo: Anatoly GuzenkoModel: Daria Dukhnivska@daradukhnivska Clothes: Daria Dukhnivska@daradukhnivskaLocation Basilica Restaurant Sultanahmet Istanbul
Мата Хари (Маргарета Гертруда Зелле) была простой голландской танцовщицей. Сначала она выступала как цирковая наездница под именем «леди Греша Мак-Леод».С 1905 года начинается её громкая слава как танцовщицы Мата Хари (Маргарета Гертруда Зелле) была простой голландской танцовщицей. Сначала она выступала…
Istanbul Perfume Workshops Парфюмь Мастеркласс в Стамбуле .Turkish Oriental Ottoman Perfume Making Perfume Workshop in Sultanahmet,Istanbul,Turkey : Create your Own Oriental Turkish-Ottoman Perfume in Harem style. www.istanbulperfumeworkshops.com Perfume Workshop in Sultanahmet,Istanbul,Turkey : Create your Own Oriental Turkish-Ottoman Perfume by Les…